I was born in a Christian family. I grew up in a Christian atmosphere around me in every step of my life but never really knew the God personally. I never had a personal relationship with the Lord. I still remember, as a young boy, I had a few encounters with the Lord in my life even before accepting Christ as my personal savior. Perhaps, God was knocking the door of my heart, waiting for me to invite him. I think I was obstinate and so blinded from the truth that I could not listen or understand the voice of the sprit that was calling me to relate with him and receive a new life. So I eventually suppressed the voice of the sprit unknowingly. I was living in darkness with all sorts of weaknesses. I was immature in my conduct such as, spiritually lazy, irresponsible, negligent, and addicted to movies, masturbation. In sum, life was a mess and meaningless.
Nevertheless, in the year 2009, I really understood that God was chasing after my life real hard to save me and to make me a child of his family. By the help of the Holy Spirit, I then began to respond to God. I started praying to God everyday but read the word very occasionally. I began to understand the work of the Lord in my life and I realized that I need to be saved. As days passed by, I began to ask God for his forgiveness and salvation. During that period I accepted the Lord as my personal savior and submitted my life to him and chose to follow him forever. I was baptized on 12th Feb 2011. After being born again the spiritual life did not take a raising curve. I was living the same life and did not stop doing the same things but with little guilt this time.
After a few days, I happen to attend a TAMI in Tarnaka through my nephew. I was really connected to it and started attending the TAMIs regularly ever since then. It was through YFC TAMIs and meetings I understood the importance and the necessity of living a life in Christ. As I was getting closer to the Lord, I began to see the transformation in my life. I began to read the word of the God and started to spend long time with the Lord in the prayer. I began to witness a new life style in every aspect of my life. My priorities have changed; I got rid of the spending a lot of time on movies. I felt more responsible in doing my work in all the areas of my life.
“ It was through YFC TAMIs and meetings I understood the importance and the necessity of living a life in Christ.”
I spend time with the Lord every day, especially during my quite time and that is making my relationship stronger with the Lord. I slowly understand the cost of following Jesus as I am trying to deny myself with the help of the Lord. The sprit inside me causes to thrive for the righteous and holy living. The unwanted things that I liked before, I hate now. Spending time with the Lord and interceding for people has become my best interest now. One of the most important things in my life is to remain in Christ and to always be filled with His glory. To love the Lord selflessly and to worship him in everything I do. To show Christ to others and live in His Glory. This gives me satisfaction, fulfillment, confidence, peace and happiness.
I was born into a Hindu family and was brought up under my grandfather’s guidance. He was my first teacher and used to teach me all Hindu religious practices right from reading Bhagavat Geeta to by hearting slokas, poems and solving mathematical puzzles. However I used to do all what he taught me only to impress him. I practiced that impressing trick wherever I went: home, school and in college. When I was in my +2 I lost my grandfather that’s when I started meditating on his teachings and found it to be hollow because I was not able to connect myself to the philosophies.
Having lost all faith in my former religion, and with my heart hungering after something better or someone who can answer all my prayers, to whom I can talk to. I went to all priests in my area, did different poojas but never found peace. Through my neighbor I found out about their religion - Islam, soon I started to show more interest in their practices and teachings. On the other side of my life I indulged in wrong friendships. I was searching for joy and peace everywhere. Though I was feeling guilty inside I continued going out with friends.
I started practicing Islamic culture and started defending it against other religions. One day in my class a friend told me about Jesus; that through him we find peace, joy and forgiveness and he is the living God. I disagreed because then I believed that Jesus was only a messenger and was not God himself as taught by Islam. She invited me for a prayer meeting in her house where the church leader spoke to me about Jesus and then after few days I went back to them asking for a bible not to become a believer but to find faults in the bible and prove them wrong. I started reading Bible and though the change was not immediate I was intellectually convinced of its truth. I was happy and felt the joy. I knew that it would displease my parents, relatives and friends; but I never regretted having taken the step of becoming a believer. But few years later due to some personal problems in my life I started to doubt my faith and belief. It was during this time of conflict I was introduced to YFC through college.
“YFC not only helps me to grow spiritually but it also provides me an opportunity to talk to people of my age, encourage them and that’s how my growth is constant in the Lord.”
There I was encouraged in Christ through TAMI, Discipleship training, mentoring and counseling of the elders. Here I knew that I needed Christ, and not merely His religion. YFC not only helps me to grow spiritually but it also provides me an opportunity to talk to people of my age, encourage them and that’s how my growth is constant in the Lord. Though many times I have back-sliden my God has continued to remain faithful. I am always encouraged by God’s promise in Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Today I am a changed person in my conduct and in the way I perceive life. I have a purpose and have found the meaning of my life. I owe an everlasting debt of gratitude to YFC and I praise and thank God for permitting me to be under the loving Godly care of YFC.
I was born and brought up in a Christian home. Although I attended church with my parents, I was nothing but a nominal Christian. As I was growing, I began to make some foolish decisions. In fact, if I have to describe my life before I got saved in one word it would be "FOOLISH". Right from my childhood I began to build castles in the air about falling in love and guess what? I fell in love!
I was in two wrong relationships. In my first relationship, I compromised and said ‘yes’ out of sympathy and later the guy dumped me for another girl. I got into another relationship as I got carried away by my own emotions, and that also ended in a breakup. I was totally shattered and emotionally broken.
At that time, when I was completely lost and dint know where to go, I went to the Lord with a selfish heart asking Him to help me come out of this. Yet, in His mercy and unfailing love, He comforted me with His word saying, " IF YOU REMAIN IN ME AND MY WORDS REMAIN IN YOU, ASK WHATEVER YOU WANT AND IT WILL BE GIVEN" (John 15:7). This verse opened my eyes and I started to realize His love for me. I also realized that I have been disobedient and hurt the Lord. So, I went on to my knees, confessed all my sins, repented, and gave my life to JESUS. That is when the Lord actually started working in my life. He began to work step by step on a daily basis. The Lord also gave me a new understanding about worship and put a desire in my heart to know and love the word of God.
As I was taking my first steps with the Lord, I got introduced to YOUTH FOR CHRIST. God began to use the ministry of YFC to help me go deeper and grow stronger spiritually, and that in turn had an impact on other areas of my life. Apart from going to church every Sunday, I attend TAMIs regularly. Through the bible studies, spiritual mentors and encouraging fellowships, the Lord has molding and transforming me. He has started disciplining me even in little areas of my life for which I am very grateful to Him.
This way the Lord amazingly in His grace erased my past and gave me a new life. Now I am in a relationship…in a growing love relationship with Jesus!!!
“God began to use the ministry of YFC to help me go deeper and grow stronger spiritually, and that in turn had an impact on other areas of my life. ”