YOUTH FOR CHRIST INTERNATIONAL                                      

Youth for Christ was born in the mid-1940s through an impulse from the heart of God that  simultaneously touched dozens of leaders in different places, with a concern to reach young people, which normal church channels were missing. With the rapid expansion of the movement there soon arose a need for leadership and organization; and in 1944, Chicago pastor Torrey Johnson was elected Youth for Christ’s  first president, WITH BILLY GRAHAM as its FIRST FULL-TIME WORKER.


INDIA YFC WAS BORN IN THE TIGER CINEMA THEATER OF CALCUTTA!!! The youth convention held on Easter Monday, April 7, 1947, was a tryst for the youth of India - not with destiny, but with eternity .Many young people responded to the altar call, leading to a a long walk with God, carrying them beyond their own regions to kindle a  spiritual flame among the lost youth, across the country.


YFC WAS OFFICIALLY STARTED IN THE TWIN CITIES on FEBRUARY 7TH 1959. Hyderabad YFC was a direct outcome of the inspiring 10th YFC World Congress held in Madras in January 1959. At the invitation of Rev. Fred Tiessen, a local Pastor, Rev. CYRIL WARD and his wife, VALERIE WARD, missionaries from New Zealand, moved to Secunderabad to lay a firm foundation for the YFC work. Through their sincere efforts to build close relationships with the young people of the twin cities, many youth began to come into a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and many young people were added to the local churches.